
Spanish I

Each unit includes study of the textbook and supplementary teacher materials, workbook, homework, audio and communication activities, video clips, internet activities, quizzes and a project that includes a visual product, an oral presentation and a written composition. Curricular focus is on general vocabulary acquisition, with a primary emphasis on present tense verbs and commands, questioning skills for general conversation, and exposure to the past and future tenses. I aim for a holistic approach to language learning, incorporating listening, reading, speaking, writing and culture activities and a variety of strategies to reach all learning styles.

Chapter 1


The focus of this chapter is on the themes of friendship, likes and dislikes, personality characteristics, sports and leisure activities. Grammatical emphasis is on infinitives, adjectives and the use of también, tampoco, and ni...ni (me too, not me either, and neither...nor).

Important Dates

9/24 Quiz: Ch. 1 Vocabulary
9/30 Quiz: Ch. 1 Grammar
10/1 Internet Activity Due
10/2 Quiz: Ch. 1 Listening, Reading and Culture
10/3 Project Due (See description below.)
Oral Presentations Begin
10/7 Composition (You will be given a clean copy of the instruction sheet with questions to guide you, but remember, it is your responsibility to form coherent paragraphs into a composition with a logical beginning, middle and end.)

(due at the beginning of class the next day, unless otherwise specified)

9/16 Use the pictures, blue charts and word list on pp. 30,31,34,35, 44, 45 and 53 to create vocabulary flash cards. Simply cutting uniform pieces of paper works fine. Index cards are helpful but not required. (Due 9/18)

9/17 Bring a personal photograph of you and a magazine cut-out or internet picture of either your favorite cartoon character or action hero.

9/18 Workbook pp. 6,7
Focus on understanding the entire sentence, not just filling in the blanks.

9/19 Wokbook pp. 13-15
The goal is to understand the entire sentence, not just associate a picture with a word.

9/20 Study for the Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, the 24th.

9/23 For yourself and for your favorite cartoon character or action hero, write a brainstorm list in English, including the following information. You will have two separate lists or mind maps, one on each side of one sheet of paper.

  physical characteristics  
  personality traits  
  things and activities liked  
  (when, why, how, with whom, when, where)  
  favorite pastime (why)  
  future goal  

Note: The words in lavendar are words that link ideas, sentences and paragraghs.

9/24 Since you need the practice, I'm assigning pp.17 and 18 in your workbook.

9/25 Because you need to learn from your mistakes, please correct the errors on your vocabulary quiz in full sentences in both Spanish and English. After you have completed your corrections, do pp. 19 and 20 in your workbook.

9/26 Focus on yourself and either your favorite cartoon character or your hero for this project. Organize your thoughts in English, comparing yourself to the cartoon character or your hero.Use your list of linking words in order to connect your ideas, sentences and paragraphs, so that they flow like a composition with a logical beginning, middle and end.

9/27 First, study for your grammar quiz on Monday. One highly effective method of study is to be certain you understand the workbook pp. 13-20. If you do not, then refer back to chapter 1 in your textbook. Later, draw the outline of the shape you will use to represent you or your cartoon/hero for your project.

9/30 Finish the Internet worksheet that you were assigned on Friday. Most importantly, begin putting your answers/composition in Spanish, since it is due on Thursday by 4:00 PM.

10/1 Once you have completed your grammar quiz corrections in full sentences in Spanish and English, study for the listening, reading and culture quiz tomorrow. Check on p.40 in your book, as well as my notes about friendships. Plus, remember to keep working on your questions and composition in Spanish.

10/2 Continue working on answering your questions, in order to write a quality composition in Spanish about you and your chosen cartoon character or superhero. It is due by 4:00 tomorrow. However, you will have some class time for polishing and practice before oral presentations on Friday.

10/3 Finish the bilingual corrections for your quiz on listening, reading and culture, so that you will not only learn from your mistakes, but also boost your grade a little, if you turn them in on time. Whereas your grade will drop a little, if you turn it in late. Afterwards, practice asking and answering the questions for your oral exam tomorrow.

10/4 Although you definitely deserve some rest and relaxation over the weekend, you likewise need to prepare for writing your composition without any notes on Tuesday. Of course, I will give you a clean set of instructions, including the questions to guide you in forming your paragraphs into a composition with a logical beginning, middle and end.

10/7 Now that you have proven that you can speak a little Spanish, the time has come to demonstrate your writing skills. Prepare to write a three paragraph composition about yourself and your favorite cartoon character or hero. You will be given a clean instrucion sheet with questions to guide you in composing your thoughts. Begin working on your chapter 2 vocabulary flash cards and verb chart, which are due on Thursday.

10/8 Vocab and Verb Chart

10/9 If you didn't finish the song worksheet, please do so. Remember your Vocab and Verb Sheet, too.

10/10 Complete the peer-editing, revision and final draft of your composition.

10/11 Have a nice weekend.

Project Students already have the handout with the words and questions in Spanish.

Practice answering the following questions and prepare to speak and write about yourself and either your favorite cartoon character of super hero. Compose the information into a composition, which you will put in the shape and color of an object that represents you and your chosen character. Include a picture of yourself and your chosen character. You may add other drawings, cut-outs from a magazine or newspaper, or images from the internet. For example: If you love to play the guitar and your favorite color is blue, draw and cut out a blue guitar on which you will write or type the final draft of your composition and paste your pictures. You may choose to use a photocopy of your photograph, if you prefer.

Key Words to Include: (These words are in alphabetical order in Spanish.)

  sometimes neither, nor I want
  rather no, not to be
  he/she is never always
  more or we are
  I like but I am
  a lot a little also, too
  very because (not) me either
  not at all I prefer and

Questions to Answer:

What is your name, and what is the name of your cartoon character or super hero?
What are you like, and what is your cartoon character or super hero like?
What do you like to do, and what does he/she like to do?
How much do you/he/she like to...?
Why do you/he/she like to...?
How do you/he/she like to...?
With whom do you/he/she like to..."?
Where do you/he/she like to...?
What do you/he/she prefer to do...or...?
What do you/he/she not like to do?
What pastime do you/he/she like most? Why?
How are you and he/she alike?

Extra Credit

1. If you like soccer or baseball, search for articles and visuals related to those sports and any of the Spanish-speaking countries. Challenge yourself by doing the search in Spanish.

Select Spanish for the language.
Enter in either fútbol or béisbol and the name of the country in Spanish.

2. If you like ecotourism (ecoturismo), use www.altavista.com to search for articles and visuals related to it in any of the Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Costa Rica.

3. If you like art, use www.altavista.com to search for articles and visuals related to Pablo Picasso and Diego Velázquez, the two artists noted on p.47 in your textbook.

4. If you like arts and crafts, use www.altavista.com to search for articles and visuals related to the blown glass (artesanías de vidrio) of Tlaquepaque, Mexico or wool products (textiles de lana) of Jalisco, Mexico.

5. If you want to learn about the oldest university in all of the Americas, use www.altavista.com to search for articles and visuals related to the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México(UNAM).

6. If you like fashionable clothing, use www.altavista.com to search for articles and visuals related to Mayan clothing (ropa maya) of Guatemala or the indigenous clothing (ropa indígena) of Ecuador.

7. If you like shopping, use www.altavista.com to search for artlicles and visuals related to the open-air markets of any of the Spanish- speaking countries, especially that of Otavalo, Ecuador, one of the largest of South America. (el mercado de Otavalo)



Chapter 2


The focus of this chapter is on the theme of school (supplies, subjects, schedules, time, numbers) and comparing school systems in the U.S. and in Spanish-speaking countries. Grammatical emphasis is on formal and informal speech, the personal pronouns (yo, , él, ella, usted, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, ustedes), verbs that end in -AR, the gender of nouns and the definite and indefinite articles (el, la, un, una)

Important Dates

10/21 Quiz: Ch. 2 Vocabulary
10/25Quiz: Ch. 2 Grammar
10/28 Internet Worksheeet Due
10/29 Quiz: CH. 2 Listening, Reading and Culture
10/31 Project Due by 4:00 (See Description Below)
11/1 Oral Presentations Begin
11/5 Composition
(You will be given a clean copy of the instructions and questions as a guide, but remember, it is your responsibility to form coherent paragraphs into a composition with a logical introduction, body and conclusion.)


10/14 Answer all questions for numbers 5-9 on p. 61. The goal is to always write complete, complex and captivating sentences in Spanish. Rather than answering each question individually, try to combine the thoughts into a creative and interesting mini-paragraph. Remember to use your list of Helpful Linking Words.

If you didn't finish workbook pages 23 and 24 during class, you must finish them as homework. The goal is to understand the entire sentence, not just blindly filli in the blanks or simply associate a word with a picture.

10/15 Bring in 3 visuals, one each for three of your classes. Write your school schedule in English: period, time, room, teacher, subject, school item needed (no repeats)

10/16 Answer all questions for numbers 14 and 15 on p. 65. Then write your entire schedule in Spanish: periodo, horas, salón, profesor, materia . The goal is to always write complete, complex and captivating sentences in Spanish. Rather than answering each question individually, try to combine the thoughts into a creative and interesting mini-paragraph. Remember to use your list of Helpful Linking Words.

10/17 Write one interesting comment in English for each of your classes, including break, lunch and after school. Begin studying for the Ch. 2 Vocabulary Quiz on Monday.

10/18 Study your vocabulary flashcards and workbook pp. 23-26 for the Ch. 2 Vocabulary Quiz on Monday.

10/21 Since we have Secondary Articulation tomorrow, which means we do not meet for 8th period, the following assignment is due on Wednesday:

1) Complete workbook pp.27 and 28. The goal is to understand the entire sentence, not just blindly fill in the blanks or simply associate a word with a picture.
2) Write the English translation for all sentences under #3 on p.74.
3) Complete workbook pp. 29 and 30. Try to understand the entire sentence, not just the pictures and words.

10/22 Complete the assignment given on 10/21.

10/23 Finish the corrections of your errors on te Ch. 2 Vocabulary Quiz in full sentences in Spanish and in English, one problem at a time. The goal is to see the connection between the two languages and learn from your mistakes. Then, study your verb chart and workbook pp. 26-30 for the Ch. 2 Grammar quiz, which will be on Friday.

10/24 Study for the Ch. 2 Grammar Quiz tomorrow. The Internet Activity in your Ch. 2 Packet is due on Monday. Prepare for your Ch. 2 Listening, Reading and Culture Quiz on Tuesday.

10/25 Finish your Internet Activity by Monday. If you misplaced it, you may simply print another from the web-site: www.pasoapaso.com It is due Monday. Then, study pp. 68, 69 in preparation for the Ch. 2 Listening, Reading and Culture Quiz on Tuesday.

  Type www.pasoapaso.com

Paso a Paso I

  Go to Capitulo 2
  Click on Internet Activities
  Select Actividad Cultural: Perspectiva Cultural
  If you need to Print a Copy Arrow Up to File, then Print
  Scroll down and click on Colegio Bilbao
  To complete the worksheet Click on links, view pictures and scan the written material

10/28 Study for the Ch. 2 Listening, Reading and Culture Quiz tomorrow. Your Ch. 2 Project is due by 4:00 PM on Thursday. Presentations begin on Friday.

10/29 Continue working on your project, which is due Thursday. You should have a rough draft for your composition by Thursday, too.

10/30 Finish your quiz corrections for Ch. 2 L,R, C Quiz in full sentences in Spanish and in English. Your cube and rough draft for your composition are due by 4:00 tomorrow.

10/31 Prepare for your Oral Exam tomorrow and for your Composition on Tuesday, Nov. 5th.

11/1 Oral Presentations continue on Monday. Prepare to write the Composition on Tuesday.

11/4 Prepare to write your Composition Wednesday, without any notes, other than a clean instruction sheet with questions to use as a guide. It is your responsibility to compose your thoughts into coherent paragraphs with a logical introduction, body and conclusion.Vocabulary 3 and Verb Sheets due Friday.

11/5 Composition Testing is tomorrow. Vocabulary 3 and Verb Sheets are due Friday.

Project Students already have the Spansih version.

For this unit, you will make a cube box about your experience at Emerson, which you may purchase from me for 25¢, or provide your own, if you prefer. You may use magazine cut-outs, images from the internet or personal drawings in color to decorate each face. You will, of course, include information in Spanish, as well. Be sure to include vocabulary and grammar from the chapter. Prepare to asnwer the following questions and write a composition on the same topic, later. The questions are to be used for speaking practice and as a guide for orgainizing your thoughts forboth the project and your composition. Remember, it is your responsibility to organize your thoughts into coherent paragraphs with a logical introduction, body and conclusion.


  • On one face, write your complete schedule [period, 24-hour time, room, teacher (Sr., Sra., Srta), subject, and approximate grades (1-10)]
  • Classes that you like and don't like, that are easy and difficult
  • Items you need to have for some of your classes
  • Interesting activities the different people do in some of your classes (what people practice, study or learn, do for homework, do during lunch, to have fun, etc.)
  • Your favorite teacher
  • Who? What? Where? Why? When? How? How much? Whick ones? How many?

subject pronouns
-ar verbs
él, ella, Ud.
ellos, ellas, Uds.

definite articles
indefinite articles
el, la
un, una
los, las
unos, unas

Possible Questions

Note: The words in parenthesis indicate where substitutions are allowed and expected.

How is your schedule?  
How many classes do you have  
When does your school begin and end?  
Who teaches your (English) class.  
Where is your (second) period class?  
How much do you like your (science) class?  
At what time does your (P.E.) class begin?  

How are your classes?  
In which classes do you have a lot of friends?  
In which classes do you have to (study) a lot?  
Which classes are easy for you? Why?  
Which classes are difficult for you? Why?  

What do you need for your classes?  
What do you have in your backpack?  
How many (books) do you have?  
For what class is your (calculator)?  
How much does your backpack weigh?  

In which activities do you and your friends participate?  
What happens in your (first) period class?  
How is the homework in your (social studies) class?  
Why is (Spanish) interesting or fun?  
Why do/don't you like (lunch)?  

Who is your favorite teacher?  
What does he/she teach?  
How does he/she teach?  
What do the students do in his/her class?  
What do they learn in hsi/her class?  
Why is he/she your favorite teacher?  

Extra Credit

1. If you like studying languages, use altavista.com to find articles and visuals of the other three languages spoken in Spain: catalán of Cataluña, euskera of País Vasco, and gallego of Galicia, or maybe you prefer to learn about náhuatl of the Aztecs, maya of the Mayans or quechua of the Inca.

2. If you prefer studying cultures, use altavista to find articles and visuals of the history and culture of those three unique regions of Spain: Cataluña, País Vasco, and Galicia.

3. If you enjoy the sciences, use altavista.com to find articles and visuals of the botany, biology, ecology, entemology, and thermography of Costa Rica.

4. If you are interested in history, use altavista.com to find articles and visuals of the impact of Francisco Franco's nearly 40 years of dictatorship on education in Spain. Note the dramatic changes since his death in 1975.

5. If you like beautiful parks, gardens and monuments (parques, jardines, y monumentos), use altavista.com to find articles and visuals of the hundreds of worthy sites in Mexico City (la Ciudad de México) , the largest city in the world.

6. If you prefer beaches, architecture, oranges and seafood (playas, arquitectura, naranjas, y paella), use altavista.com to find articles and visuals of Valencia, España.

7. If you are planning to attend a prestigious university, such as Cambridge, Princeton or Berkeley, use altavista.com to find articles and visuals of three of South America's most prestigious universities, which happen to be Chile: la Universidad de Chile, la Universidad de Santiago y la Universidad Católica.

8. If you are a whiz at math and have an interest in statistics, use altavista.com to find articles and visuals related to population growth and mortality rates of Mexico, Chile and other Spanish-speaking countries. What national or global impact might that have on the economy, politics and international relations?

9. If you are interested in linguistics, use altavista.com to find advertisements in English and Spanish that have "loanwords," words that have crossed from one language to another. Mexican Spanish is full of loanwords from náhuatl, the language of the Aztecs: aguacate, chocolate, guajolote, etc. The English language has adopted many Spanish words: arena, patio, rodeo, etc. Spanish accepts loanwords from English: roller, fax, internet, etc. What other loanwords can you find?

10. If you like literature, read excerpts from Eva Luna or other novels by Isabel Allende of Chile or Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel of Mexico, both examples of "magical realism," a litereary style that originated in Latin America.

11. If you know someone who is a philatelist (stamp collector), use altavista.com to find articles and visuals pertaining to stamps (sellos) that commemorate noteworthy figures and hisorical events related to the Spanish-speaking world, like the U.S. stamps on p. 82.